Saturday, February 21, 2009

Organic Makeup

Just because a girl wants to go green doesn’t mean she has to look bland. Face it – makeup is part of our lives. We are expected to wear it at the office and at parties. At weddings, at anniversaries, at meetings and conventions… Not to mention that a properly done makeup makes us feel gorgeous in general. Which is no small matter.

Obviously, I am not anti makeup. I love it.

But I want my makeup pure. Organic makeup would be best.

Because there is no reason to put dangerous chemicals and hormone disruptors just to look better. Health and beauty do not have to be mutually exclusive.

They cannot be. Nature wouldn’t allow that.

And now there are more organic makeup brands popping up then ever before. The successful launch of Organic Wear by Physicians Formula proves that the demand for purity is great, and even the big names are jumping on the bandwagon. (Albeit you have to beware of the greenwashing effort – a topic I’ll discuss at more depth in a later post. But if you are curious, just google it.)

Though Organic Wear has been much talked about, there are many other worthy (and worthier) players in the organic makeup market. And raising awareness about these brands is what this site is about.

So let me officially welcome you to my organic makeup blog. Feel free to send me questions and leave comments. I am sure this will be an exciting journey.

And a very pretty one :)